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Wake up in a sentence

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Sentence count:201+5Posted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: take upmake upmakeupshake upmake up formake use ofuse uptie upMeaning: v. 1. cause to become awake or conscious 2. stop sleeping. 
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(121) The first rays of the sun pierced the canopy of leaves above us, and the forest began to wake up.
(122) When I wake up, at almost half past eight, I try to picture Agnes.
(123) I wake up only if the school bell rings.
(124) When you wake up feeling really lethargic, really lousy.
(125) Wake up sleepyhead! Rise and shine!
(126) Wake up! Wake up, sleeping beauty.
(127) Shall we wake up suddenly and find it untrue?
(128) Although the clock off, he didn't wake up.
(129) Come on, Rip Van Winkle , wake up! It's nearly lunchtime.
(130) I wake up in my coffin, dark, vacuity and silence.
(131) Everything for a man on holiday. Explosive alarm clock - guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it. Dentonite toothpaste - to be used sparingly, the latest in plastic explosive...
(132) When you wake up, your body is dehydrated and needs liquid.
(133) Only now are organizations beginning to wake up to these lost opportunities and calculate the financial implications.
(134) After two nights in the lenses,[] I wake up and - hosanna! - I can see.
(135) You experience your fulfillment and wake up Kingdom of Heaven by the grace of God.
(136) Many of us virtually sleepwalk through the morning in a serious mental and physical fog, desperately plying ourselves with coffee in an attempt to wake up!
(137) If (when) house prices fall and consumers wake up to the fact that they are not saving enough, consumer spending will weaken perceptibly .
(138) Please wake up your brother so he's not late for school.
(139) All trap exciteofficialting wealths wake up – primrose, brickcaptured iris, phlox.
(140) J. M. Barrie: Young boys should never be sent to bed... they always wake up a day older.
(141) All the sleeping shelling wake up - primrose, baby iris, blue phlox.
(142) In point of fact, my mind started to wake up a bit during this period.
(143) You feel as if you've been tossing and turning all night, and wake up feeling worn out.
(144) "We're not going to wake up in a year and see a bullet train, " RePass said.
(145) We wake up to the fact that we are no longer young, perhaps our future will not be unlimited, in fact it did is infinite?
(146) Smoke til sick and you still wake up the next morning.
(147) Replace half an hour of television watching with additional shut-eye daily and you'll wake up with lower levels of hunger hormones.
(148) Swap reruns for sleep. Replace half an hour of television watching with additional shut-eye daily and you'll wake up with lower levels of hunger hormones.
(149) Wake up in the morning, the first drink a glass of water, of concretion.
(150) I had imagined that we would make love, go to sleep, wake up, make love again, go to sleep again, wake up again and so on, night after night.
More similar words: take upmake upmakeupshake upmake up formake use ofuse uptie upcome upline upfire upflare upgive upsize upsave uppile upcome up toclose updrive upwrite uplive up toface up todouble upmade up ofeuphemismmeasure upcome up withmeasure up tobakemake
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